What Are Skin Tags?

What Are Skin Tags?

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Aging brings with it some interesting skin-care challenges, among which are the little flesh-colored flaps of skin on your eyelids, neck or under your breasts or arms with the scientific name of acrochordons.

skin tagsThey acquired and non-cancerous, and are commonly called “skin tags” or “barnacles.” But whatever name you give them, if you have them, you are not alone. Half of the population of the U.S. will have a skin tag at some point in their life. Skin tags are typically thought to occur where skin rubs against itself or clothing. They are harmless and do not have to be treated unless they are bothersome.

  • Aging and obesity are commonly associated with skin tags. Elevations in hormone levels may also cause an increase in skin tags, as skin tags are more frequent in pregnant women.
  • Skin tags can vary in number from one to hundreds. Women and men, alike, are equally prone to developing them.
  • There is no strong evidence to suggest that common skin tags are contagious; people do not catch them from anyone and do not transmit them to anyone.
  • Early on, skin tags may be as tiny as a pin-head but some may become as large as a grape.
  • Even though their appearance is not appealing, skin tags generally cause no physical discomfort, and can be easily removed by a doctor or a dermatologist.
  • Some people are more prone to developing skin tags than others and may have new growths periodically which require yearly or quarterly removal but skin tags do not “seed” or spread if they are removed.
  • Treatments include freezing, tying off with a suture or thread or simply cutting off the tag – but don’t try this at home!


Call to schedule a consultation appointment, today, if you have skin tags that are annoying or troublesome: (314) 878-3839.