Microdermabrasion Treatment

Microdermabrasion Treatment

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What is Microdermabrasion?

microdermabrasion st louisMicrodermabrasion is a technique for removing the topmost layer of skin, leaving it supple and vibrant. A wand that is gently passed over the skin removes this layer of skin by gently exfoliating the skin with natural diamond chips, while at the same time vacuuming the dead skin cells away in a sterile and controlled manner. Removing this outer layer of dead skin cells leaves a smoother texture and promotes the growth of healthy new skin. Most any area can be treated. The most common areas are the face, neck, chest, and hands.

What are the advantages?

Microdermabrasion is a wonderful alternative to laser or chemical peels because it is non-invasive, nonsurgical and requires no down time after treatment. Normal activities may be resumed immediately. Your skin will have a radiant glow and be soft to the touch. Patients experience softer, smoother and cleaner skin after the first treatment. Facial products will have greater results, as they will absorb better into the skin. Treatment series vary from four to ten sessions depending on the condition being treated and the type of skin.

What are some of the treatment expectations?

Microdermabrasion can improve sun damaged skin, fade age spots, reduce fine lines, blend cosmetic surgery or laser treatments, reduce very surface acne scarring, extract blackheads and whiteheads, revise minor scars, reduce hyperpigmentation, decrease in oily skin, and rejuvenate overall skin health.

What is medical microdermabrasion?

Medical microdermabrasion is indicated for the patient that needs an extra boost. With this procedure, a microdermabrasion is performed with a light glycolic peel.

How will I look after the treatment?

Your skin may look slightly flushed immediately after the treatment but should return to normal in 10-30 minutes. Some sun sensitivity may occur during the treatment process. Your skin will look and feel smoother even after the first treatment and will continue to improve with additional treatments.


Before Treatment

  1. Do not use retinoic acid (Retin A, Renova, Tazorac), glycolic acid, and vitamin C for 48 hours before treatment.
  2. Inform medical staff of any history of cold sores.

After Treatment

  1. Avoid sun exposure during treatment course and always use sunblock of at least 30 and one that contains zinc oxide.
  2. Do not use retinoic acid, glycolic acid, or vitamin c for 48 hours after treatment. All make-up, moisturizers, and TNS may be used immediately after treatment.

For emergencies at night or during the weekend, call (314) 878-3839, leave a message and the doctor will contact you shortly thereafter.

Contact us to schedule a consultation at our St. Louis, MO office today.