Mohs Surgery for the Elimination of Skin Cancer

Mohs Surgery for the Elimination of Skin Cancer

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Mohs micrographic surgery is a unique and highly effective method for eliminating skin cancer cells from the body. Mohs surgery has a very high cure rate, but is a time consuming procedure. You should only undergo Mohs surgery with a specially trained physician, such as those at our practice. Doing so not only improves the efficacy of the surgery but can also improve your chances for scarring and other complications.

Mohs surgery works by slowly and carefully eliminating your cancerous skin cells, and then simultaneously evaluating the removed cells’ pathology for remaining cancer. There are many advantages to this method of surgery. Your surgical scar may be smaller, as the procedure takes smaller borders away from your cancerous tissue. This makes Mohs the surgery of choice for prominent areas of the body, such as the face.

Additionally, Mohs surgery reduces the chance that you will require a second surgery, because the nearby remaining tissues can be evaluated under a microscope before your surgical incision is closed.

Your incision may be allowed to heal on it’s own, or can be closed by stitches or with a skin graft. Most of our patients report very little pain following a Mohs procedure, but there may be some discomfort during recovery. Other potential side effects of Mohs surgery include redness, scarring, bleeding, swelling, drainage and infection.

If you have been diagnosed with skin cancer and would like to undergo one of the most effective treatments available today, contact the Laser and Dermatologic Surgery Center today.