We are always excited when we can recommend ways to take care of your appearance with healthy lifestyles and preventive measures. Those are important, it’s true. But occasionally you may find you need more than exercise, healthy eating and topical creams can provide.
Maybe it’s time for a bit of professional anti-aging skin care. Beginning with your hands, there have been some wonderful advances made when it comes to treating the signs of aging that seem to show up there. Read on to learn some of the procedures that are designed, among other things, to treat the signs of aging on the hands:
- Sun Spot Removal – Brown spots on your hands are a sign of sun damage and aging. They can begin to appear as early as your late twenties and increase with age if you don’t apply sunscreen to your hands. We use Photodynamic Therapy and chemical peels to help rid your hands of the spots that are the result of unwanted, excess pigment. The effects can last a lifetime if you are committed to using sunscreen.
- Laser Skin Resurfacing – Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing creates tiny pinholes in your skin that encourage your body to start producing the proteins collagen and elastin. Laser treatments also help re-texture your skin, which can cause your hands to look refreshed almost immediately.
- Injectable Fillers – As you age, you may gain fat where you don’t want it, and lose it where you do, like the back of your hands. The skin is thinner here so any loss of volume is especially noticeable. We use the same injectable fillers on the hands (for example, Juvederm) that we use on the face, and are able to add volume by filling the spaces left from fat loss.
Are your hands ready to say something good about you? Call to schedule an appointment, today, to discuss these and the many other cosmetic procedures we offer: (855) 978-5775.