It’s About Time You Loved Your Chin

It’s About Time You Loved Your Chin

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KYBELLAGetting used to the effects of Father Time can be challenging, indeed. Parts of your body seem to be headed south; you may find a new wrinkle every week; you hope you aren’t seeing double when you notice your chin.

If you aren’t loving your chin and its excess fat (also called submittal fullness) you are not alone. Weight gain, genetics and aging can and often do result in extra fat around your chin.

If you would like to reduce the appearance of your double chin and would love to love your neck again, we offer a new, easy injectable treatment that is currently trending. It’s KYBELLA®, the first and only FDA approved non-surgical treatment specifically formulated to improve the appearance of moderate to severe fat below the chin.

•KYBELLA® is an injectable which contains the active ingredient deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in your body which aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.
•KYBELLA® is injected beneath the chin and removes fat cells. Once these cells are removed, they can no longer accumulate or store fat.
•KYBELLA® is available as injectable treatments, and because everyone is unique, we will evaluate your needs and discuss with you the number of treatments you will need to achieve your desired results.

KYBELLA® side effects may include nerve injury or trouble swallowing, but these are rare. The most common side effects of are mild pain, redness, swelling, numbness and bruising. There may also be hardness in the treatment area.

At your initial consultation, be sure to tell us about your current medical conditions and medications, if you have had or plan to have surgery on your face, chin or neck, or if you have had past cosmetic treatments in these areas. Tell us if you have bleeding problems, trouble swallowing, take a blood-thinner, are pregnant, breast-feeding, or are planning to become pregnant.

Would you like to know more? We would be happy to talk to you about KYBELLA®. Fall is the perfect time to refresh your look, so call to schedule a consultation, today.